Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lecture time. Maybe you can call this a test.

Below is a paragraph that I have personally typed, read it carefully and see if you can figure out which TV show on ABC Family the paragraph is referring to. Also, if you can make any sense out of this and maybe even compare/relate it to something else, let me know. First clue for this paragraph will be the meaning of the first sentence. (When this person comes across people that are out there to have HIM killed, he must do something to maintain his environment and keep all of the "over charge of negative ions = bad people" out of his atmosphere. Hope that clue helps. Ill post the next clue after I get a few responses and some interest is shown. As the time goes by, I will attempt to post all of your guesses at the bottom of the post so you wont need to repeat guesses. GOOD LUCK!

When reacted up on by certain forces, one must compensate for the over charge of the negative ions positating the atmosphere within its environment. You can not help but remember the need for constant surveillance of these forces and their equal reaction and how they relate. These reactions are important as they will dictate life as it is known. If these forces are shared openly, they will, with out doubt, reverse the charges necessary for life to continue in such a way that any opportunity to present normality will be declined. If this persists, this new power will attract alternate ions inserted into the equation set to alter the outcome of the project and deviate this new substance as opportunity regulates allowing for the negative discharge of this power in such ways that can not be controlled by its inherent creator. This power is and will be set upon the knowledge of the creator and then relayed to its subunit with the appropriate functionality and information necessary to convey the purpose of the intended beginning.

1 comment:

r.l.secor said...

Hello my sweet wonderful brother. I am taking a break from the making of paper flowers to read your blog. Thanks for joining us in virtuality it is nice out here. Please write lots. Also, I would be most interested if you kept a running log of your career options in that currently unusable space on the right side of the page. Your ideas are most interesting. You could also keep a running log of why I am so cool if you wanted also. I will be adding you to my blog roll so make sure you keep your content appropriate! Ha Ha. Here is a much over do hug from me OOOO sorry I am a schluffopotomus with the hug thing, I think I just get all touchy feeley'ed out after being a human jungle gym all day!
Luv ya bro